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Tips For Taking Care of Fresh Cut Flowers

By Adriana N.
Fresh cut flowers add vibrancy and color to any room. When people receive a gift of fresh cut flowers, they want to keep them for as long as possible. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to keep fresh cut flowers.

The following are a list of tips to help you take care of your fresh cut flowers:

1. Remove the flowers from the wrapping and cut the stem on a slant (about 3 cm) as this will expose more of the stem to the water. Remove any leaves that will be in the water. For roses, do not remove the thorns as it will cause them to deteriorate at a much faster rate. Place the flowers in a vase of water. Lukewarm water should be used as it contains less oxygen than cold water which reduces the amount of air bubbles likely to form in the stem's system. Distilled water is the best water to use. Use cold water for bulb flowers such as hyacinths, tulips, and daffodils. Add flower food to the water. Do not use metal containers as they reduce the effect of flower food. The stems should extend half way down the vase. As well, your vase should not contain any residue which can be a haven for bacteria that can cause flowers to wilt.

2. Flowers stay fresh in the light and at temperatures of 65-72F. Warm temperatures cause flowers to deteriorate faster so they keep them in a cooler room and out of direct sunlight. As well, keep them away from any appliance that gives of heat. Make sure you keep the flowers away from open drafts such as open windows.

3. Keep cut flowers away from fruit. Fruit releases ethylene gas that causes flowers to age quicker.

4. Daffodils should be placed in their own vase because the stems of these flowers give off a substance that is toxic to other flowers. Keep flowers out of direct sunlight

5. You should spray the flowers with a mild mist of water daily and remove any dying flowers and dried up leaves. Flower food contains a biocide which helps inhibits bacteria growth. The food can be purchased at local florists and nurseries. If you do not have a plant food packet, add a little sugar to water.

6. Take care of the flowers every day. Remove wilted flowers. Rotting flowers and leaves can make the water toxic to flowers. Change the water every 2 days. Make sure you add a preservative each time you change the water. You can also re-cut the stem for better water absorption. The lower the temperature of the room, the longer the flowers will last. It is important to be aware that flowers in temperatures below four degrees will diminish faster.

Most people receive flowers for a special occasion such as Valentines Day, Mother's Day...etc, so they want the flowers to last for a long time. By implementing the above tips, you will be able to enjoy your fresh cut flowers for a longer period of time.

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